Terri’s Fear Was Consuming Her Joy And Fulfillment But Creatrix® Has Brought Her Back To Life

Terri experienced so many hardships in her lifetime that she developed a fear of falling on those hard times again and this fear was stopping her from being able to live and truly experience life. Now, through Creatrix® Terri has lost her fear and feels amazing.


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I just think it’s a fast and fun way – I can’t believe how much things just went, without tears, without agony, without telling the story. There’s no story. We never told any stories, we just didn’t even have to go back into it. It’s just getting rid of that emotion that has been driving us and holding us back all our life – or holding me back from many many things.

A few days earlier

Yeah, when I’m lost I’m just not sure who I am or where I’m going or what I did wrong. It’s like I’ve lost an identity and I’ve had various times in my life when I felt this from different triggers, I suppose. I had the loss of a baby, the loss of a marriage, loss of a business. Kind of I feel like I’ve just been on a certain path, and then suddenly I just get thrown over the cliff and I don’t know where I’m going to land or whether I’m even going to survive. Because I’m scared of losing what I do have, I think I keep myself with a barrier. I think, when I remember the times like that, I’m scared that that’s going to happen again and I think it can stop me from stepping out in my power and stepping out too really make a difference like I want to. In case I fall and it all gets taken away and then I’m nobody again.

After Creatrix®

Yeah, who I am, lost, yeah. I – yeah, I do remember feeling that and I did remember feeling it at so many times during my life. Things would come to an end and then where do you go from here? But now it’s like I’m talking about it like it was as if another person. Don’t feel like that at all, not even in one skerrick of it like that and when I read or listen to what I was like back then I kind of think “was that me? It wasn’t me.” I – no – no, totally gone.

Before Creatrix®

At some level I believe that I’m not enough for anybody and it’s only a matter of time before it all turns to shit. I think I said before, I think I just have a half life and just coast along till the end but never really experience, you know, like utter joy or utter fulfillment and, you know, like a hundred percent of what I could have. Because it’s only me that’s stopping me having it. I know that.

After Creatrix®

And I think I’ve always had a fear of success and I’ve done a lot of things in my life but there was always the fear that if I succeeded what would it cost me? So, I didn’t have a fear of failure but what would it cost me? But now that’s just not there either. Like I’m just ready to do whatever I’m going to do and if I succeed that’s fantastic. Yeah, weird – it’s weird. Totally gone. Fear, totally gone. I just feel I’m topped up – I’m topped up. There’s no emptiness at all. I feel amazing. All I can say is, if you think you’ve got anything come and get Creatrixed®.