With Creatrix® Sue Now Has The Confidence To Be Her True Self

Sue feared what others would think of her, she suppressed her true self and focused on her “head talk”, instead of being present. Creatrix® has allowed her to believe in herself and face the world as a confident, powerful woman.

It’s just been an eye-opening, empowering experience, that something so simple can make such a difference, and it really it so simple.
A few days earlier
The fear of what other people think of me it effects a lot of what I do. It drives me nuts actually. I’ll go out and I come home and I second guess everything I’ve said to that person. It’s just negative in my head all the time, just I shouldn’t have done that and I shouldn’t have done this, I shouldn’t have said that. Sometimes I just want to get out of my head, like I just want my head – I just want to run away from my head. It just – it drives me – it’s crazy and I don’t know why I’m like that. I can’t tell you why I’m like that. I just am.
After Creatrix®
I just – I don’t have that anymore. I feel like I’m – I’ve got something to say and I feel confident and if they don’t like me, well, it’s actually their problem, not mine. I used to second guess every word that came out of my mouth and when I was talking to someone I wasn’t concentrating on what they were saying because it was too busy going on in my head about what I’d just said and did I say the right thing, and then – I just don’t feel like that anymore. Like when I’m having a conversation with someone now I’m actually looking at them and I’m engaged in them and I’m enjoying what they’re saying.
Before Creatrix®
I would be scared to speak to people because I would be scared of what was going to come out of my mouth and that people would judge me on that, and then everyone would think – I don’t know, I would offend someone or I would – they wouldn’t agree with me, and then I would – no one’s going to believe what I’ve got to say, why would they believe what you’ve got to say, you actually got no experience in this. I can’t believe that I will be a point where I would actually want – be able to put myself out there in front of a whole lot of people and not beat myself up afterwards, and walking away and not absolutely panicking about everything that came out of my mouth and – and thinking they just all think I’m crazy and I’ve got nothing to offer them.
After Creatrix®
So, I used to think that nobody would believe what I had to say and that I was going to offend someone if I didn’t say what I thought. I don’t feel like that anymore. I had a moment this morning where I woke up and I don’t even know where it came from but I was just like, oh my god, I felt like I was suppressing myself or changing myself to be what they wanted. And I just – I don’t – I don’t feel like I need to do that now. I feel like I can just be me and they’ll like me and – and, yeah, that was – that was a really good like moment this morning when I came to that realisation. It was like wow, that’s cool.
So, my Creatrix® experience, I was so scared when I got here. I was just like “oh my god, what have I done” and now I’m just like it’s brilliant, it’s just so empowering and the feeling that you have, it’s just all light inside and it’s completely new to me but when I saw it I just was like – I don’t know, it was in here, in my gut, I just have to do that. And I’m so pleased that I did because, yeah, it’s – it’s very cool. You’ve got to want it though. You’ve got to be in a space in your head where you really really want it because if you’re not fully in you’re not going to get the the best benefit out of it. But if you’re in that space, where you want change, my god you have to do it.