Stephanie Is Excited To Set As Many Women Free As She Can Using Creatrix®

Stephanie didn’t feel like she was in control of her life but after attending the Creatrix® Facilitators Course her future is looking exciting. So many people go through life just “existing” but Stephanie says she’s finally found something rewarding that she loves to do, and her goal is to set as many women free as she can.


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We followed Stephanie regularly adding “real life” updates over time

My future’s looking exciting. Like, I actually, finally found something that I love to do. The reward of the woman’s face at the end – I’ll talk to you – the reward of actually seeing someone release it is like the most rewarding thing I’ve ever felt, so I’m so excited. And I just want to do that over and over and over again.

A few days earlier we asked Stephanie what she felt her confidence levels were at getting results

So, I rate my current confidence level in breaking women free eight out of ten, so pretty high. I’m sure I will, and especially after this, I will – I know that I can get it there by clearing what I need to. And I – I know, if I can go through what I’ve gone through, and just being a completely different person, I’m confident that I can help women do the same. So, just having that comparison, I guess, and the experience for myself I know that, yeah, by looking at someone and seeing like how the – what their story is, you know, it’s just a story, so – no, I know that if they can – if they’re confident enough to change their story, that I can help them do that.

So, I rate my comfort level in asking for money very low. Not – yeah, I do things for free a lot. Even though I know what I’m giving is valuable, and even though I logically am aware that I could make someone a millionaire and it – the – and I logically am aware that they’re an investment, like if you treat yourself as an investment – I’m – yeah, but at subconsciously feeling ok with that, I would probably rate myself a three.

We also asked what mental blocks are stopping Stephanie from business success

So, my three biggest blocks right now are self-sabotage because I have this “have to” attitude. I self-sabotage a lot and I actually – and that goes into my next big block, which is, I don’t feel in control of what I’m doing. And I suppose the next one would be – I don’t know if caring about what other people think isn’t really – like, I don’t care what people think of me, in terms of a personal approach, but I care that if I want to uphold a healthy perception of a healthy person and it damages – and I’m not what my version of healthy would look like, and I don’t look healthy to other people, that’s what I care about, that I’m damaging the perception of that.

The biggest reasons I want to get rid of these blocks is because I don’t want to take things personally anymore, so I can just teach other people that it’s not worth their time caring about things that don’t serve them. I want to be like the role model that – I want to have my story of how I get through my crap and – but also be like not distracted by things that – like I think, you know, feeling guilty and obliged and all those, they’re a wasted feeling, but I obviously am still programmed to feel those things in certain areas and there are certain triggers, so by cleansing that completely and just being able to act confident in who I am, and I feel like that is – that speaks for itself, and then, like you said, you’re not selling anything. You’re just like, if you want this, you can have it. There’s no competition, there’s no hierarchy, it’s just like let me help you get there.

So, the reason I want to come here is to help other people and, by getting rid of what’s holding me back from doing that, just not care about it, I guess, anymore.

After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference

I don’t care about what people think anymore. I don’t care what they’re doing or saying about me. It doesn’t distract me from – like I know what I’m doing and that’s my focus, so I don’t even – yeah, it’s like it doesn’t even bother me. If anything, I kind of laugh about it. It’s so weird, it’s just like – it was, honestly, like a distraction. It’s like this is what I want but I was focusing too much on that. Now I can just go on and do it. I’m like – I have full trust in Creatrix® working and it’s just – you know, we have that knowing that, if they are committed you just know if someone is committed of not, so I feel very confident in that now.

How does Creatrix® compare to other modalities?

It’s the only course that offers a solution to something. Like, it’s not – yeah, I don’t – it’s weird because it sounds too good to be true. I can see why it sounds it but once you do it, it’s the best thing ever, so, yeah. Worth every penny. And it’s just so refreshing that there’s something now that’s about fixing it and then just them getting on with life. It’s not about continuous repeat appointments, it’s about actually fixing everything that’s wrong – or that nothing’s wrong anyway, but, yeah, it’s making them realize that, really, which is so rewarding. So, my future is just getting as many women free as I can.

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MARILYN (MAZ) SCHIRMER founded Global Transformatrix® and is on a mission to change the world for the better!

Maz Schirmer