Simone Felt She Had So Much More To Give And Now She Can

Simone wanted to be a better wife, mum, daughter and friend but her feelings of self-consciousness, frustration, anger and hate were holding her back. Without these negative emotions Simone has embraced her new positive attitude and is ready to make a difference.

My future is going to look better than I could ever imagine because of all the things that led me to hold myself back. My future is going to be like happy and I’m going to have experiences that I never would have had. I can go forward now into my future, knowing and trusting and believing in myself that I am capable. And that’s big.
A few days earlier
I don’t feel like I have the intelligence and the abilities to be able to do the things that I think I should be able to do but the things that I want to do. I’m holding myself back. So, once I clear those blocks I know that I can be a much better woman. Because I’m not being true to myself because I feel I have so much more to give, and to be a better person, to be more alive and to enjoy life more. To be a better wife, mum, daughter, friend. But with that self-conscious feeling I have all the time, particularly in my work, I can’t be the best person I can be.
After Creatrix®
I have more of an awareness of why I felt like that. But now it’s – you don’t even really think about it. So, it’s actually a nice feeling to have, that you’re not stressing out about feeling self-conscious. I have belief in myself now and it’s a nice feeling, and I own it.
Before Creatrix®
I would rate my intensity of my frustration, anger – I would rate it towards a 9 to 10. Because I find that I am very impatient with things that go on around me, with my family, with my work but if I was cleared and more neutral I would deal with them a lot better and that would make me feel better in myself. I don’t like to feel frustrated and impatient and angry.
After Creatrix®
I think the frustration will be a beautiful one to experience the lack of. Frustration because life presents you with frustrations all the time and if you’re going to have those sort of feelings of anger and hate and frustration it’s not going to let you open your eyes and experience the things that you wouldn’t see if you were walking with all that in you. So, you actually start to see more and your eyes – my eyes physically feel like they’re open more. So, as much as – yeah, it’s a “THAT”, instead of a “that”. So, what I believe Creatrix® has done for me, it’s basically released me of the things that Simone held back in herself and now I can go and engage in every single little aspect of my life that I probably never looked at and – yeah, and can be a much better person in the world. And I am, and I will make a difference. I endeavour to make a difference.
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