Anxiety And Self-Sabotage Held Sea Yen Back But After Creatrix® The Sky Is The Limit

As Sea Yen went through life she expected to grow wiser, not become mired in anxiety and self-sabotage but that was her reality, and her reality was stopping her from following her dream of practicing natural wellness. She felt that if she couldn’t feel well herself she didn’t have the right to help others reach wellness. However, once Sea Yen attended the Creatrix® Facilitator Course she removed all of those blocks to success and now she believes the sky is the limit.

My future now looks like rainbows like arcing from end to end. It’s like fresh air and fresh breeze and what I see is just a beautiful garden space ready for me to just own it.
A few days earlier
I can feel that I’m not getting very healthy because of the anxiety and the negative emotions that have been building up. It just happened out of nowhere. It’s like right in the heart it – it just keeps simmering there and sometimes it can just get bigger and bigger. It sort of drives me really frustrated, yeah, and it’s like a snowballing effect and I just feel that I’m going to just burst, and not burst with joy, but burst with lots of anger and frustration. And still not getting anything out of, yeah, what I have been trying to do to help myself. So, yes, it’s just unbelievable that as I get older I thought I should be getting wiser but it’s not going the other way that I want to.
After Creatrix®
I would rate stress and anxiety a zero now because I just cannot feel it. It’s like I cannot really remember about anxiety happening. It’s just a very vague feeling right now because now I just cannot feel it anymore.
Before Creatrix®
The thing that is blocking my business, apart from anxiety, it’s also self-sabotaging and believing that I am not capable enough, having the self-doubt, yes, and I feel that I will not have my own personal time if I’m too successful or if I get up – out there, being a successful person, people will feel that I’m not as true as it seems. So, there is just this belief that of course I’m not good enough. I’ll just continue to be a frustrated individual, yeah, as usual and I’ll just be doing things that I don’t like, example, not living what I feel that I should be doing, like living my passion, which is into natural wellness. So, it’s just so funny right. It’s like, I’m into wellness and yet I don’t feel that I am there to help people to get well too because I have to be well myself in order to lead people to where they should also be. Yeah, so, it’s just going to be just jogging on the spot or you call ‘walking on the spot’ and nothing is going to happen and just getting angrier and more frustrated, yeah.
After Creatrix®
I would rate self-sabotaging being not there, meaning it’s totally zero. I just feel that there is so much space and opportunity and the sky is the limit to achieve what I want to do in my business. So, no self-sabotaging. It’s like no way it’s going to be there, there’s no space for self-sabotaging, yep, no way.
My experience doing Creatrix® has been really unbelievably amazing because I had doubts whether it worked and it’s working on just a different level that I didn’t expect it to work but once you come out of it and you try to reassess the situation the issues that you were talking about – I was talking about, that I have and it’s like – gosh, it’s just unbelievable because it’s just gone from Creatrix® process. It’s such painless and such quick process to get something that is so deeply seated in me and it’s like not there anymore. I don’t know. I just don’t have a word to it because that is totally – the word that comes to me now is priceless, yeah. Yeah, don’t give a second thought about it, just do it and – because you have to go through it to know that it works, so it’s a leap of faith. If you want to get rid of the stuff in you that is causing so much pain, just do it for yourself and for your loved ones too because, ultimately, it’s going to benefit both sides, not just ourselves, but also people around us. So, do it.