Michelle Takes A Leap Of Faith And Finds Her Excitement For The Future

Michelle’s anxiety, self-doubt and fear of failure prevented her from achieving her goal of starting her own successful business but she took a leap of faith and attended the Creatrix® Facilitator Course. After leaving all of those emotions behind Michelle was excited for the future and her return to Perth, where she would begin building her business.

The way I feel about my future now is I’m feeling really excited. Before I was a bit nervous about what the future may hold because I stepped away from something I’ve done for 27 years. This was a leap of faith coming here and I’m walking away from this incredible week feeling excited about my future and really can’t wait to get back to Perth and make it happen.
A few days earlier…
This sense of anxiety actually is most likely preventing me from being the best I can be, going after things I would really like to do, for example, running my own successful business. You know, I have a sense of self-doubt, which prevents me going ahead and doing that and I suppose it leads me to no longer have that inner spark and sense of joy.
After Creatrix®…
The fantastic thing is that sense of anxiety now doesn’t even appear for me. Since I had sense of anxiety Creatrixed® I have had a few instances that would normally have triggered a feeling of anxiety and it just hasn’t happened. I think it’s just a – it’s just a freeing, a feeling of freedom and lightness that wasn’t there before. It’s great.
Before Creatrix®…
The one thing that stopping me from business success I would say would be a fear of failure. When I have looked at starting my own business in the past I’ve tended to go back into a corporate role and not actually pursue because I am afraid that I will fail and therefore rather go back to my comfort zone of what I know and have done for a long time and know I’m good at, as opposed to taking a chance on doing something different.
After Creatrix®…
The way I see fear of failure now is that that was just part of my previous insecurities and, once again, I don’t feel that anymore. I’m now feeling really excited about getting back to Perth and starting my own business and um – yeah, definitely don’t have any desire to just go down the comfortable path again because I don’t have that fear of failure anymore. And, even if I do decide to go back to the corporate world, I no longer have a feeling of a failure. It’s really an inner self-confidence now, self-belief. My Creatrix® experience has been – it has been amazing. It really has been a sense of freedom and lightness that wasn’t there and, you know, things that had been bothering me, suppressed emotions for many many years holding me back, keeping me down, all that’s gone now. There’s just a lightness and a happiness and, yeah, it’s a simple easy process and I just can’t believe the results it’s had. It’s really amazing.
If you’re thinking of having Creatrix® I would say give it a go. Honestly, you have got nothing to lose, except the issues you may have. I think many of us have inner concerns, inner worries which me pretend – some of us pretend they aren’t there and just get on with it but they are there and it’s great to actually face those and now with Creatrix® you have a solution. You can actually, instead of just acknowledging them, you can actually now do something about it. So, it really is worth giving it a go. You’ve got nothing to lose.