Melinda Saw An 80% Increase In Confidence As A Facilitator Of Rapid Transformation

Melinda gained an 80% confidence increase as a Facilitator who can get guaranteed OUTCOME BASED results. She’s even now a Creatrix® Transformologist® using this same tool that broke her free, to now helping others with the same fast, painless and lasting profound change.

We followed Melinda regularly adding “real life” updates over time
My future now, after attending this course – I literally am bursting out of my skin with excitement about possibility and I just can’t wait to get back into kind of my real life, and then really, you know, see how much – I mean, I know that I’ve changed but until I get back into my real life – I’m excited to do that, just because I know that, you know, the reasons that I came here completely won’t even exist anymore, because they’ve just, you know, they’ve gone, they’re out of my head, they’re out of – they’re out of me. Yeah, I’m just excited now. Let’s just get on with it.
A few days earlier we asked Melinda what she felt her confidence levels were at getting results
I would rate my confidence levels for obtaining a guaranteed outcome, based on right here, right now, extraordinarily low. Maybe out of a one to ten, a two. I don’t feel like I have any knowledge or skills or ability to be able to expect any sort of outcome, you know, with this process. I have tried a lot of sort of positive self-talk, just a lot of internal chatter in my head, trying to coach myself through situations. I – I guess, semi-regularly see a kinesiologist, who sort of helps to talk me – work me through emotional situations but again, not – it certainly works at the time but not long-lasting. Often being retreated for the same – the same issues – emotional issues. Apart from that, this is probably the biggest step that I’ve taken to really address my – my issues.
We also asked what mental blocks are stopping Melinda from business success
The biggest one is anxiety, and I feel like it’s – it is getting worse and I don’t – I don’t understand why. I don’t have any particular triggers for it, I don’t have any traumas that I can look back on, it’s just – it just seems to be a feeling that is progressively deteriorating – getting worse.
Self-confidence, I don’t really have – I mean self-belief. I don’t have any belief in myself and in my abilities. And again, for no particular reason. I – because of anxiety and the whole self-belief I fell like I’m retreating. So, as of right now, I can’t picture myself at the other end.
Just a lot of doubt around my ability to be in a position to be able to – I mean, in my heart I know this is what I want to do and it feels like it’s exactly the right thing for me but I just feel so far away from it and so far removed, that I just – I’m doubting, am I going to be the right person at the other end, to be leading other women?
I do not feel confident on any level about asking clients for money. Sitting her now, I don’t – I – I can’t – I can’t picture myself – at the end of this week, I can’t picture myself being knowledgeable and in a position where I’d, you know, believe I can help to empower and to help other women break through.
After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference
So, my comfort level when asking clients for money would be a ten out of ten, because I just feel so rock solid in this amazing process that I just can’t even imagine why people would not want to, you know, to pay to do this to be happy. I mean, best money you ever spent.
Now, when I think about self-confidence and self-belief I just – you know, I just think – you know, I – I – I have no reason to doubt myself. You know, there’s just – the possibilities are endless and I’m – you know, I’m able to achieve anything I set my mind to. I just need to hurry up and get on and do it. You know, it’s not even a question of “can I do it?” It’s just a question of “when can I start?” Yeah. I don’t even know what anxiety feels like. I mean, that’s such a foreign kind of feeling for me now. I just feel so comfortable in my own skin and so relaxed and so calm and my mind feels clear and I just – yeah, and just – it’s almost like I’m on this amazing kind of equilibrium, and all is completely as it should be. As for anxiety, can’t even tell you.
My confidence levels around starting my own business and putting myself out there now are literally through the roof, because I just – you know, I’m just so excited about this and I think, if it could work on me, and, you know, I’m just – I’m a naturally sceptical person but I kind of took a leap of faith, knowing and hoping it would work – rather hoping it would work but now, just being at the other side, you’re like oh my God, every woman in the world should do this. You know, and you wouldn’t even believe how amazing and free you feel when you – you know, when you break thorugh and you get rid of this crazy stuff in your head that doesn’t need to be there and, you know, just – it just opens up the world that you just have no other opportunity for anything, apart from move forward, be happy and just be free.
How does Creatrix® compare to other modalities?
This course, I actually can’t compare because I haven’t done any other courses but then, it’s because they haven’t felt right either. The reason that I’m here if because Creatrix® really kind of resonated with me and it just – really, it was – it just felt like I needed to do this. And it is the first time that I have put myself out there in this capacity, yeah.
The investment I’ve made to be here, financially, family-wise, work-wise, I would do this again in a heartbeat. But I’d do it probably ten times over because it’s just – you truly just cannot believe how amazingly freeing it is to go through this and, you know, it’s – you can’t even – you can’t measure it. Any investment in this course would be completely worth it.
How do you know Creatrix® will stick for you?
I would say to people that think that – you know, what will happen when you go back to, you know, your real life, the real world? You know, will that feeling fade? I just – I can’t – I can’t comprehend that because the stuff that I came into this with, I just – you know, I can’t even imagine what that feeling was like now. I can’t – I just can’t relate that to anything, you know. Anxiety, what does it feel like? You know, I truly just don’t know what it feels like. So, I can’t see how it would fade, I really can’t. Without sounding all evangelical – I mean, it just – it’s a life-changing experience. And it’s – you know, I just can’t believe that I’ve gone through 42 years of life progressively feeling these emotions – negative emotions, you know, more and more, and just to have them all cleared out, you know, in six days. It’s just the most incredibly amazing feeling. It’s just – I literally feel like a new me, but a better me. And, yeah, I just – and I feel me. I feel who I am and this is who I was always meant to me, so, yeah. Best thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.