Lynda, From Suppression To Inner Freedom

Lynda’s lack of trust in herself really affected her confidence in business but after Creatrix® she says her confidence is now a million out of a million! And because she also overcame her lack of self-esteem, she feels completely comfortable in her own skin and says that has given her such a sense of freedom.

We followed Lynda regularly adding “real life” updates over time
Ah it’s just so simple and so – it – and you just – oh my god, you just want everyone to experience it, like – oh my god, how – how wonderful people’s lives would be to – if they had this, if they experience this and just – oh my god, there would be so much more love in the world and calmness and peace and ah.
A few days earlier we asked Lynda what she felt her confidence levels were at getting results
Well, my current confidence level at being able to help women at the moment would – out of 10, be a 4, yeah. The reason I rate it as a 4 out of 10 is because, yeah, I don’t feel like – I’ve just got a fear, yeah. I’ve just got a fear that I’ve, yeah – I’ve trusted in myself, yeah – yeah, I just need to get some faith and confidence in myself, trust myself, trust others.
After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference
I feel confident in my own skin at this moment. Yeah, I’m not – doesn’t worry me to be in front of the camera or – or anything and, you know, seeing my reflection in the mirror doesn’t, yeah – yeah, I – this is – this is the outward looking me now but I’m – I feel so confident that I’m – I know changes are going to happen within and, yeah, watch this space.
I totally have trust in myself and trust within others. Just to release that was – it’s, yeah, just freedom, just such a sense of freedom. Before I felt like, yeah, I wasn’t worthy of being loves. Yeah. No, now I just – yeah, I just know how awesome I am, and I am worthy of being loved. Yes. Yeah, so – totally, yeah, deserve it, like just so grateful, so amazed. It’s just amazing.
We also asked what mental blocks are stopping Lynda from business success
My three biggest blocks that are holding me back right now is my confidence. I don’t feel very confident at all, and that’s confident in a lot of things in my life. I just feel very not confident about who I am, how I look and trust, no. Yeah, I don’t feel very confident in trusting.
I do have a fear of success. Even though I feel in my gut that – there’s just something that’s in me that I just know that – that I am meant to be successful and – and – like helping women – yeah, empowering women. It’s just been a thing for years and years and years. I’ve – that’s just been leading me, yeah, towards – towards this.
After Creatrix®
Yeah, after Creatrix® I now rate my confidence as a hundred out of a hundred. Make it a thousand, oh make it a million. I don’t care. I just – it’s just – I’m just blown away. My confidence levels – levels at starting my own business and going out there and putting it out there now is, yeah, pretty damn awesome. Yeah, I’m – I’m looking forward to, yeah, the challenges. There will be challenges, I know that but I – I know now that like Creatrix® has given me the tools to deal with those challenges and, you know, just let them go – let them go, so, yeah. I’m looking forward to a successful business.
How does Creatrix® compare to other modalities?
There’s nothing, absolutely nothing like this that I’ve experienced elsewhere. Nothing. And I’ve done many courses and, yeah, lots of counselling and all the rest of it, and nothing has given me the results or awesome outcomes as what this has done in a week. Like – so what, six days? Six days and, you know, going to a counsellor or going to groups and things for months and years and everything else, and this is just amazing. Absolutely amazing.
You can not put a price on – on what I’ve experienced, what the ladies – the wonderful ladies that – that I’ve got to know here and we’re sisters now, you know. It’s – it’s just such an overwhelming feeling, yeah, of love and joy and just freedom – just freedom within myself that – yeah, what price do you put on that? There’s no price you can put on that. So, yeah – nuh, totally worth it. Totally worth it. If you’re thinking about doing this course just don’t doubt – don’t doubt, just do it. Just, honestly, make that commitment to do it. Don’t – don’t look for the excuses there of “oh no, oh I haven’t got time” or “oh no, I need to do this” or “I’ve got this coming up” or whatever. No, no, just do it. Just do it.