Kerrin Is No Longer Stuck In A Life She Wanted To Change

Kerrin had a long list of blocks, including fear of criticism, fear of failure, not feeling good enough, undeserving, unworthy and a fear of success. These emotions were keeping Kerrin stuck in a life she wanted to change. Her transformation after Creatrix® and removing all of these issues is truly phenomenal. Kerrin doesn’t know where these changes will lead but she is excited to find out.


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We followed Kerrin regularly adding “real life” updates over time

To know that inside myself at my age – I’m nearly sixty – to have this opportunity that my – that is gone and I can finally, for the first time, see the future with excitement and I’m so excited about that.

A few days earlier we asked Kerrin what she felt her confidence level were at getting results

I rate my current confidence level in using the current methods to get good outcomes as being pretty low – about a two. The reason I’d rate it a two out of ten is I just don’t feel skilled enough. I don’t feel like I can get so far with somebody and I also tend to – I’m always trying to analyse everyone. I’m always trying to get to the “why” of everything and I think I get caught up in that. Yeah, and I just feel all the time that I’m – I feel out of my depth, yeah, with the skills that I have at this moment, yeah.

We also asked what mental blocks are stopping Kerrin from business success

The three biggest blocks that are holding me back right now I’d say are fear of criticism, fear of failure – and that will come from not feeling good enough or undeserving, unworthy – and fear of success too – what that means, standing out, being seen. Yeah, and the criticism and judgement, they come with that. I can’t tell you the opportunities I’ve just let go because of that fear of success, of looking like I think I’m better than anybody or standing out and putting myself out there, you know. A target, you know – I feel like, yeah, I’d be a target.

The biggest reason I want to get rid of these blocks is that I want my life to change, you know. I want to be – feel empowered and I don’t want to get – be stuck in my story anymore. I don’t want – I don’t want that to be who I am. I don’t want to be afraid. I don’t want to be small. I don’t want to hide.

After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference

My future now looks really exciting. I don’t know what it’s going to be. I don’t know where it’s going to take me, this journey that I’ve started but I’m really excited about it. I feel whatever it is, it’s going to be the best thing and that I’m going to be able to deal with whatever comes up and, yeah, I’ll be so much more resilient and able to deal with just life stuff and not take it all personally, like I’ve always done and never hide away and curl up in a ball again. Yeah, life’s out there waiting for me. I can’t wait. I’m excited.

My confidence levels in starting my own business and putting myself out there are completely transformed. I think this – this opportunity to help women change their lives is just, not only transformative for me, but I’m sure a lot of the people around me, my own daughters and friends and the thought of being able to build my new life around that is just phenomenal. The business side of it, I feel so much more confident because I think my confidence was like zero before. So, I feel a lot more confident but I’m very aware that I’ve got – I will keep learning, keep getting better, keep learning, I don’t know it all and – and that’s ok. There’s so much support for me within this wonderful sisterhood.

How does Creatrix® compare to other modalities?

Comparing this course to others is, you know – it’s like chalk and cheese really because – while I have got some benefits out of some of the other things that I’ve done, that’ve got me ready really to do Creatrix®, help me work through sort of the chaos in my head, this is like – we’re focused on outcomes here, we’re focused on success. It’s not just – we’re not focused on a process of working through and going over and the story and – this is like “right, where do you want to be? How do you want it to be? Ok. Let’s find out what – let’s get there. Let’s do what we have to do.” And – and that’s what you do, and if you need to go back and do it again, you do it again, and that’s what you do. And it’s – it’s ah – yeah, it’s – you can’t compare it really, yeah. Yeah, I was scared and a little nervous before hand and I felt small and I felt – I was trying to hide myself and I felt, you know, guarded and, even though inside that little voice is going “just get in there, Kerrin, get in there and stay there, don’t give up”. There was a few times that I felt the emotions and I was like “oh no, don’t” – didn’t want to face anything but I listened to that voice and was like, you know, “this is going to change your life” and I’m like “yeah, yeah, yeah”, but it – but it did. It totally has changed my life. And you feel so safe and none of us knew each other before and now I’ve got this – I feel like I’ve got this amazing tribe of absolutely beautiful souls – sister – you know, soul sisters and the joy of watching everyone else blossom is just – it’s just gold. It’s just the best thing. Yeah, so, just do it.

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MARILYN (MAZ) SCHIRMER founded Global Transformatrix® and is on a mission to change the world for the better!

Maz Schirmer