Does Creatrix® Work After You Get Home? Kelly Says, Yes!

Kelly didn’t want to tell anyone about her choice to attend the Creatrix® Facilitator Course because she wanted to prove it was what she thought it would be first. To her great satisfaction she found it was everything she hoped it would be and more. Kelly was struggling to push through the resistance she felt toward getting her work done, but even before the week was over she found her focus had significantly improved, and she was able to work faster and more efficiently.

We followed Kelly regularly adding “real life” updates over time
My future now looks very bright. It’s – the possibilities are endless and the possibility – or the probability – well not even, the actualities probably better to put it is ah being able to give this service it is really a wonderful gift.
A few days earlier we asked Kelly what she felt her confidence levels were at getting results
My current level of confidence in getting an outcome would be at the moment, probably 90%. The reason for that is that I can communicate well, generally, and I can – I feel like I can understand where people are coming from.
With regard to asking money from clients, I – I do struggle with that. I’m someone who hates putting my invoices out. It’s very embarrassing. Particularly because of the work I do, it should be just second nature. I also have great empathy, so sometimes it’s very difficult when you know a client can’t afford something. I struggle with that, so at this point in time I’m probably 50-60% but I’m hoping that that will be resolved.
We also asked what mental blocks are stopping Kelly from business success
My three biggest blocks that are holding me back would be – it always comes back to health and getting better health. It comes back to office and organisation and for some reason I’ve created this absolute mass of possessions between living in different states and different houses and I would just like to clear – clear all of this. It’s almost like, yeah, you live your life and keep moving on in your life and you just keep accumulating and it just does this big thing – goes on in the background and in reality, most of it I’m sure is not necessary, so it’s about moving forward. It’s just there’s always thing to be dealt with. There’s always a job to be done. There’s a never-ending list of tasks and, with my interests being so wide and varied, as soon as you become interested in something else, that’s almost like a burden in some respects because there’s so many things to deal with. The other thing that’s probably amongst that, that’s important is you get into a habit of not being who you are and not really shining, and it’s – so it’s easier to kind of hide away, I think.
After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference
In the past, with the office and organisation, how I felt before was that it was just such a drama, like I spend my life in an office sorting out everyone’s mess and it’s just unknown, never stops, like it’s just coming at you from all directions. I’ve already noticed a huge shift this week because I have had to work at night as well while I’ve been here and normally I’d be like feeling sorry for myself and thinking “damn, I don’t want to have to do this, I just don’t want to do it”. Anyway, this week I’ve been amazing. I’ve been efficient, fast, focused, effective and everything’s just done and I don’t have the resistance that I had. And the most exciting part about that is, that I don’t – just focus on the job, get it done and for what that will save me in my life to not have that resistance I cannot tell you. It will just be amazing and – and even in other areas I’ve been able to just get things done that I would normally take three times as long to do because I would be resisting getting to it. I would make myself do it but the resistance would be so great it would be horrible and now I just get it done. And that’s amazing for me.
After Creatrix®
After doing Creatrix®, I would rate my comfort level in asking for money from clients basically be like a zero out ten. It doesn’t bother me. You come to the understanding that the resistance that you feel is just totally not required, it’s just not important and it’s about the value of the service and that’s all that matters. I feel now that I can move forward, get things done. I basically have always delayed on sending customers invoices. I just hated it. Whereas, now I just go and get it done and just get on with it and be much more regular in my issuing of invoices, as an example. Before I felt I wouldn’t really be myself and to not shine, I’d much rather like hide away and just – like life was really – it’s quite calm and all of that but now I feel I can just step out and be myself and not be concerned about it.
My confidence level with incorporating this into my existing business, which isn’t in the modalities that are in the normal areas like a lot of others are involved with is 100%.
How do you know Creatrix® will stick for you?
To people that wonder what would happen when you go home and you get back into your own environment, whether it actually works or sticks, I’ve already proved it this week with – because I have to continually put myself back into my environment, regardless of physical location, so I’ve already that it works. The thing I’m confident about is that the change in like attitude and demeanour and application to what’s going on is wildly different – like it’s – it’s basically like a hundred and – what do you say, 180 degree turn around for me – it’s just – so I don’t have any qualms with going back into my environment. Before I came, I was like – like you know, typical sceptic, like leap of faith, and I was thinking “I hope – I hope that this is what I believe it to be” but not wanting to – until I had it proved to me like that – I’d had to kind of think – like I waited, I didn’t even talk about it much to hardly anyone because I wanted to prove first that it was what I thought it would be. Anyway, to my delight and great satisfaction it is more than what I thought it would be and, I think, that the ability to change things that like happen in your life – like everyone has lots of bad, you know, crap happen in whichever way and it’s only a matter of relativity really to change that into something that’s constructive and to move it forward. It’s not like you forget but your reaction to it changes dramatically positively for the better. If you’re considering doing this course and you have an inkling that your passion in the world is to help other people – and there’s nothing more refreshing than to see someone like really transforming before your eyes – I would say just do it, don’t even think, just trust. Do the leap of faith because you won’t regret it.