Jewel Wants To Connect With People And The World Around Her Once Again

Jewel had let her life experiences turn into fear and wasn’t willing to allow anyone closer than arms length. But now on the other side of her Creatrix® Facilitator Course, Jewel couldn’t be more excited to meet new people, experience new things and embrace life to the fullest.


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I just feel really light. I feel confident, I feel expectant of life. I’m excited about going into this chapter because it’s a whole new chapter for me, and I’m looking forward to exploring new places, new people and new things.

A few days earlier

I think I hold back from making deep connections with people because I fear that they might criticize me, that I might be – I just won’t measure up to what they expect and I hold them at arms length.

After Creatrix®

That fear of failure and that fear of criticism is totally gone. I believe that now there is no such thing as failure, you just keep going and you keep having a go. I’m not worried about what people think. I feel confident to step out and connect with people, and I just have lost that fear. I don’t feel rejected. I feel like I am worthy and I really feel like I have something that I will offer to other people.

Before Creatrix®

The thing that would stop me from business success is, again, believing that people won’t want what I have. Also, that – I guess it’s the same as they would not value what I bring, and, again, those fears of not being enough, being rejected or fear of failure.

After Creatrix®

That fear of not – people not valuing what I give has gone. I’m not going to be worried about being criticized. I do believe that I have – I value what I have and I believe that it is of value to other people. I really am very confident about that and I have no issue with that at all.

My Creatrix® experience has been amazing. It has been very different from what I have ever experienced before. It has been fun and, yes, there’s nothing out there that does this. It is absolutely intriguing but it’s something that gets to the deep blocks quickly and safely, more importantly. So, I – yes, I’m amazed at the whole Creatrix® process. It was so worth it. Really worth it. If you have those blockages that are stopping you from going forward and experiencing life to the fullest, then Creatrix® can help you deal with those things, so that you’re free and you can move where you want to move. There is nothing else out there that is doing this. I would encourage you to go and do Creatrix®, have a Creatrix® session and deal with those things once and for all, so you can go out there and experience life how you want to experience it. Go for it. Don’t hold back, it’s truly worthwhile.