Do You Fear Success, Failure, Rejection And Holding Yourself Back, Like Lisa?

Before Creatrix® Lisa was so full of fear; she feared success, failure, abandonment, rejection and not living her life, even though these were the things that were holding her back from living her life. But Lisa says completing the Creatrix® Facilitator Course was a message to herself, that she is worthy and deserving, and now she is ready to follow her dreams.

I’m in charge of my future now. It’s me – I can make the decisions. There’s nothing that is holding me back or stopping me, you know. There’s no negative beliefs that’s going to prevent me from trying something. Even if I fail, give it a go. Just do it. Just get on and do it. It’s exciting and it’s – it’s free – it’s about being free. And I’m so happy.
A few days earlier
I think you know, it’s huge. I fear not being successful. I fear being successful. I fear failure. I fear being abandoned, rejected. I fear not living my life but then fear holds me back from living my life. I’m not getting the best of me. I’m over-cautious. I probably hold myself back, so I’m holding back other people because I’m always scared of something bad happening.
I’m over protective with my children. I’m not being true, which means that I’m not teaching my children not to be true to themselves. I want to be supporting their dreams and if I’m not chasing my dreams than how can I support others in theirs?
After Creatrix®
How do I feel about “fear”? Well, it really was holding me back. I don’t have that overarching feeling of fear all the time, that something bad’s going to happen. I remember that person and I remember that she felt like that – I felt like that – but I don’t feel scared, worried, small, fearful. I don’t feel that. I can’t even feel it.
Before Creatrix®
Grief causes me to not fully live my life. It causes me to feel stuck and paralysed and feel like I have no direction. It keeps me in a box, in a bubble and it keeps me from living a full life.
After Creatrix®
I’d rate grief “0” out of “10”. I remember that person that I was but I don’t feel it in my body anymore. I don’t feel it in my body.
My Creatrix® experience – it was challenging but I needed it. I needed it so badly. I wake up every day wondering, you know, what today’s going to bring and, you know, what I’m going to learn today. It’s actually invigorating. It’s been a really positive experience.
I’ve met some great women. These women will, you know – they’re inspiring. They’re motivating me and, hopefully, I’ll give that back to them as well. There’s a, you know, major shift of energy and a major shift of mindset and focus.
It’s such a powerful thing to do and, at the end of the day, it’s a huge message that I’m sending to myself; that I’m worth it, that I deserve it.
If you’re thinking about having Creatrix®, get serious – get serious about it, get committed, know that you want to do it. Be strong about your resolve, and then surrender – surrender to it and, you know, enjoy it.