Debra Finds a Sense of Peace, Calm and Stillness With Creatrix®

Fear is at the core of many issues like anxiety; it doesn’t allow you to really experience life in the moment you’re in, because you’re too focused on the past or the future. Debra overcame her fears and can now enjoy every single moment, with a sense of stillness, calm and peace.

I can feel it in every inch of my being. The calmness, that stillness is just – it’s priceless.
We Ask Debra What Her 3 Biggest Block Are
Fear of being successful, to the point of having loved ones fall away. A fear of failure that I do go out there and I do start doing things and it falls apart, so fear of failure. I have a lot of shame and guilt. Not good enough is a huge one.
Now Watch Debra As She Puts Creatrix® To The Test On Her Own Personal Blocks
I always felt like I wasn’t good enough and the guilt was there and now I am 100% good enough. And equal to everybody else. My confidence level now is 11 out of 10. I’m good to go. I’m surrounded by “everybody’s got my back”. I believe in me. I believe in the breakthroughs that we’re able to achieve. I believe that every woman out there needs this. Um, yeah, I’m ready.
After Her Personal Creatrix® Look At The Difference
I’ve learned to be still. I’ve just learned to be in a moment, not having to be someone I’m not, not having to please anybody, and enjoy every moment. And even the thoughts that are coming that would normally – so I haven’t got a passport and I’m about to travel and I’m here. I would normally be in an absolute, you know, flap about that. And I’m like, well, it is what it is. It will all come together and it’s all good.
How Do You Know Creatrix® Will Stick For You?
So, I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Accredited Coach – um what else – EFT, Timeline Therapy, Kinesiology. I’ve done it all. Something has shifted, and I don’t care what that something is, I just know I am at peace and I need to get this out there now.
If I had to do it all again and I knew what was on the other end of this. I would have done anything. You know? Even this time, it was – as I was saying earlier, you don’t know what it is. You think it’s like another modality you’ve already been training in and the outcomes are going to be similar and you’ve paid all this money. Was it worth it? A billion times over. It is absolutely priceless. Yeah, that’s how I know it’s long lasting. I can feel it here. I can feel it here. I can feel it in every inch of me. Yeah, I’m looking forward to what life has to offer now.