How Did Creatrix® Save This Mother’s Life?

Imagine the negative impact behind statements such as “I’ve always felt worthless”, “it’s been my worst nightmare”, “I’ll never be able to trust people ever again” or “I will lose my will to live, as I have done so before”.
Now imagine having all of those things disappear to be replaced with “I can feel loving towards other people, from a place of feeling loved”, “I feel so FREE” and “I just feel so amazingly optimistic about my future”.
Creatrix® saved Liz’s life, what can it do for you?

We have to reach the bottom before we look up.
But what if “up” was much closer than you imagined?
I’ve always felt worthless, since I was a child. I’ve not felt worthy of love, affection. I’ve not felt worthy to receive good things in my life. It’s been really self-destructive. It’s been my worst nightmare and it’s turned into anger and shame. I’ll never be able to trust people ever again. I’ll never be able to open my heart up. I will lose my will to live. I have done so before and I don’t want to feel like that. I have children and I have a purpose here. It’s like my world’s fallen apart. Sorry.
The life you desire is real. And the answer is in you.
I can’t even really remember having felt that way. It’s amazing. Yeah.
You CAN break the cycle.
I honestly do not feel worthless or not worthy at all now. I just know it’s not true, so it’s a zero out of ten. I just know. I can feel it.
You CAN CREATE a new beginning.
Yeah, and I had every reason to feel unloved and not lovable, and yet I don’t at all now. I know that I am loved and that I’m lovable, and it’s not going to play a role in my life. And that’s a good thing because it means I can be loving to other people from a place of feeling loved.
You CAN FIND the real YOU.
I have every reason to feel abandonment right now in my life. Right now. I don’t feel it! I feel so FREE! I know I’m not abandoned. I’m not on my own, which for me is just incredible. I’ve spent a life-time feeling like that! I just feel so amazingly optimistic about my future. I can live it freely.
The change starts with you.