Health Centre Manager With 4000 Clients Endorses Creatrix®

Catherine manages a suite of practitioners in her Allied Health Centre who take over 4,000 clients and says she’s never experienced anything as profoundly transformational as Creatrix® for women, emotionally OR mentally. In fact, Catherine’s own Chiropractor husband, Andrew went on to become an Innovatrix® Transformologist, also due to the transformation in his wife Catherine.

We followed Catherine regularly adding “real life” updates over time
My confidence levels in implementing Creatrix® into my husband and my Allied Health Therapy Clinic is – is, yeah, indescribable. We have confidently created our business in the past but I just know – and I’m a very educated woman, with multiple degrees under my belt and my husband is educated, and so we know our stuff. This is the missing piece. I have absolutely no doubt this is just going to revolutionize how we can help our clients feel – they’re just going to feel so relaxed, so light, so at ease, and being a health therapy clinic, we just want people to feel that. We want them to feel relaxed and light and at ease and confident in themselves, feeling empowered. Most of our clientele are women. I’d say a good portion of those, perhaps the majority, are mums, like myself, who are the loving leaders of their families. If we can help them, if we can empower them, they will empower their families. They will share health and wellness with their families, and so, I just am so grateful to have discovered and experienced Creatrix®.
A few days earlier we asked Catherine what she felt her confidence levels were at getting results
So, I would rate my current confidence levels at getting outcomes for our clients at about a five or six. My skillset involves having taught a lot of people for years. My background is education. I’ve been teaching for twenty five years and in that time I’ve also always held a lot of leadership positions. So, at the moment my magic is loving leadership and with that tool I’ve helped a lot of people but I just can only get them to a certain level of success, a certain level of confidence, and I just know in my gut that something’s missing, and that’s why I’m here for Creatrix®, because my gut tells me that Creatrix® is my missing magic. Yeah, I’d like to change that confidence level of five or six because, if my confidence level at being able to help women was much higher, than I have no doubt at all that I will get better outcomes for them. By being more confident in myself, better able to empower them as well.
After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference
This is, without question, going to change so many lives and we have over 4,000 clients – 4,000 clients. So, I can only imagine, if this can help me, as it has, that we can share this with other women and set them free. This is freedom. It’s, yeah – it’s absolute freedom for women. And I’m a strong advocate for that because I’ve taught women’s education for years. I’ve talked the talk, this is going to help me walk the walk. I have absolutely no doubt in my heart. I – I’ve – what I’ve experienced this week through the training here at Creatrix® has been like soul surgery. I can’t even, after having managed multiple allied health therapies, including Chiro, Physio, Osteo, Bowen, Naturopathy, Remedial Massage, Psychology, NLP, NIS, Neurolink and the list goes on. I’ve experienced all of those in my role as a Practice Manager, and I have never felt this relaxed in my entire life. Women are just gonna love it. It’s gentle, it’s, yeah – it’s absolutely pure bliss.
We also ask what mental blocks are stopping Catherine from business success
My biggest blocks are fear, self-love, um I’m not sure really about the third, but no doubt somewhere behind that is sadness or guilt. Without question, the biggest reason I want to get rid of these blocks is for my children. I’ve got three beautiful children, despite ten years of infertility and I know that if I could get rid of these blocks I would be a better mum. I would be a better me and a better wife and I would be better – better empowered to help other women also be their better selves, the best that they can be.
After Creatrix®
Since coming here, I’ve cleared that. I just feel like I have learnt to not give all and more. I will continue to give, because that’s who I am and it shapes who I am and it shapes my business but there’s no way I’ll be giving all and more and more and more. I feel like I am comfortable with putting boundaries in place now. This is phenomenal for me because this is going to change my life. I just ,yeah – just is exponentially huge, yeah. Without swearing, it’s freaking huge, yeah.
How does Creatrix® compare to other modalities
What I found difficult to compare with Creatrix®, is that I feel like, as opposed to all other educational philosophies that I’ve experienced that within one day I was given the tool, the missing piece of the puzzle that I need to run my business at a whole new level. I was – in one day I was given this priceless intellectual property that’s going to completely revolutionize my life and other women’s lives, and I come from a background of education. I’ve got multiple degrees, I run workshops, I teach education, so I know my stuff and the difference is, is that we’ve been given, not just the philosophy and the theory behind it, but within one day we’re doing practical hands-on real time application of this amazing health tool. This tool is going to help women relax, it’s going to set them free, it’s going to let them have control over their emotions and their thoughts, anything that’s blocking them or troubling them. How can you put a price on that? I mean, seriously, within – within this week I am now able to walk out and practically apply this tool in a real life setting with clients that I know are waiting to use this, to find this missing piece of the puzzle. So, that’s how this is different. It’s – it’s a new type of – it’s such a – such an amazing tool, that – it goes well beyond traditional education and I feel like I could have almost not done years upon years of University. In fact, yes, I could have done without that, if I had this one tool that Creatrix® has provided me. That just blows my mind.