Allyson, NLP Practitioner and Counsellor, 6 Weeks After Creatrix® Course

Allyson was a Counsellor and NLP Practitioner with 4/10 confidence in delivering clients their desired outcomes until she discovered CREATRIX® and went out and delivered a retreat in 10/10 confidence. Not feeling worthy or good enough held Allyson back, even after trying so many different modalities but after her six day Creatrix® course she was able to overcome these issues, and says none of her previous experiences compared to this.


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Before Creatrix®

I rate my current confidence levels in getting results for others at the moment probably as a 4.

After Creatrix®

With their skills and knowledge that I have now using Creatrix® I have to say now 10 out of 10. I have no doubt whatsoever in getting the results. I’ve seen it firsthand. I feel it within my bones that I can get those kind of results and it’s just a matter of getting out there and doing it now because it’s going to happen.

We catch up with Allyson 6 weeks later

Since Creatrix® I was able to execute that retreat, not only just with getting by, but we killed it. Everyone that attended that retreat left there just in awe and I just killed it. Like it was just so easy and effortless and, you know, we all just performed really really well. It was fun, so I didn’t have that nervousness. I didn’t have that that sort of little voice in my head going “oh, you’re going to stuff it up” or “what happened”. It just flowed. I just had flow and it just went really well and I’m so excited to start organizing the next one. The sky’s the limit. We’re already planning the next retreat, I’ve got my next workshop coming up in May and I’m just looking forward to the endless possibilities.

The whole model of counselling and therapy is that the therapist is the expert and you don’t really – you don’t have all the answers. Creatrix® empowers you, and it – you have all the answers, so it’s just like I – I want to cry because it empowers people and that’s what – that’s what everyone needs to know. That’s my needs to learn, is that you’ve got the answers within you, you had them all the time. It’s just so – it’s so funny.

We asked Allyson what blocks she needs to get rid of.

My three biggest blocks of holding me back right now are not being worthy, not feeling good enough, fear of rejection. The reason I chose this Transformology® course is because it claims to be the answer to why we have these blocks in life. This is something I’d like to have this one modality or this one technique or this one thing that is going to set women free. Because I’ve known all of my life that I’ve always wanted to help women. I’ve done years of counselling, I’ve done years of NLP, I’ve done Reiki, I’ve done spiritual work I’ve done energy work, but women are still stuck and I work in domestic violence services, so I see this struggle with women all the time. The biggest reason I want to get rid of these blocks is because I know that I have a purpose, I know that I have potential, I know I have the drive, the determination, the guts, the intuition. All the things that successful women have. I’ve got the ideas. I’ve got so many ideas that are all just sitting on the surface, but for some reason I just can’t take that next stage to getting it fulfilled. I’d like to know why I have had – I’ve got all these blocks and I’ve got all these things that are holding me back, when I know – consciously, I know that there’s – I can do all this stuff, but just haven’t been able to do it.

After our personal Global Transformatrix® look at the difference

I’m grabbing the bull by the horns and I’m going to take this and run with it because this is the direction that I’m going to go and I’ve always wanted to help women – women’s empowerment is my thing. This is what I’ve wanted to do for a very long time and I’ve been searching for this for a long time. So, now I’ve finally found it I can take it to the world and, hopefully, empower more women, so they can feel free and happy.

I certainly don’t believe that I’m not good enough. See, it’s funny because I haven’t actually – I don’t feel that I’ve changed as a person or I’ve changed who I am or how I think or what I do. But what has actually changed is my perception of things. My life will change immensely because I’m not going to be afraid or scared of speaking my voice and going out there and showing people who I am. Because, you know, this is me and when you are honest and raw and authentic and passionate, that’s how everyone wants to be and that’s what attracts like to like. So, the more you’re in that essence, the more you attract that. I’m really excited and looking forward to it.

To someone that’s sitting on the fence, I can understand that you’re going to want to tread with caution. But, like with anything, you’ve got to just close your eyes and take that leap, and it’s a leap of faith and it’s going to be scary and it’s okay. But the end result is far more than what you could even possibly imagine. So, it is a matter of, yeah, having to just take that leap of faith, but there’s no turning back, and once you’ve done it, you know, you’re going to be in my shoes, you know. You’re going to want to share this with the world. So, just do it.

But does this process stick? Here she is 6 weeks after Creatrix®

I feel so confident and so in my own space, that I have no fear in saying what I need to say and helping women say what they need to say. Now, the feeling of rejection is – I don’t even – I don’t even worry about that anymore. It’s not even – the fear of rejection it’s not even in my vocabulary. Like I don’t even understand where it came from or why it was even ever there. It’s not – it’s not even – I don’t even remember why. Why? So, since Creatrix®, although my sisters and I had planned a retreat, the fear of executing that retreat was a bit crippling.

The value that Creatrix® has given me, you can’t really put a price on it and I know that a lot of people have said that, but it’s true. You can’t put a price on your passion, your dreams, your future. You know, you want to spend the rest of your life doing – worrying – worrying about something that’s invisible. It doesn’t really make sense, so you just can’t put a value on it. I can’t – I can’t say it any more than that. It’s truly, truly something worth its weight in gold and I’m so glad to have done it because it’s really taking me to that next level. Like it would have taken me years to try and build up this – like this – it did – life was a struggle for me is what I had said in the past, but no, it’s certainly not now. And thanks to Creatrix® it’s not – it’s not that at all.

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MARILYN (MAZ) SCHIRMER founded Global Transformatrix® and is on a mission to change the world for the better!

Maz Schirmer