Allison Overcomes a Lifetime of Fear and Is Ready for New Challenges

Allison knew she wanted to help women that were suffering in the same way she had been but she didn’t feel she could until she overcame her own fears. After Creatrix® Allison is ready to do all the things she was scared of doing before, and more!

After Creatrix®
Not being good enough now is hilarious because I don’t give a sh*t. Hand in hand with judgement I can do anything. I will do everything that I wanna do and nothing’s gonna stop me.
We Ask Allison What Her Three Biggest Blocks Are
Fear of failing. The judgement of that. I think just that not being – not being good enough. I don’t finish anything. I start so many different things and I don’t finish. When push comes to shove I wimp out.
Now Watch Allison As She Puts Creatrix® To The Test On Her Own Personal Blocks
Fear of failure now, it’s different in – like all those things that I knew I was scared of doing they’re all gonna happen. Judgement now, after Creatrix®, it meant two things for me before. It meant being judgmental and being judged.
How Do You Know Creatrix® Will Stick For You?
The last week here at the Transformologist® Course has just been life-altering. My life was going down a path of just searching all the time for answers, for truth, for meaning. I knew I wanted to help people. I knew I wanted to help women, because I’ve seen women in the same pain that I was in, and I wanted to help them but I had all these fears, all these things holding me back and this last week has just – has just been – I can’t find the words. Now, after six days, it’s just – I look back on who I was then and who I am now and I think it’s a different person.