People don’t sign up to be a Counselor or therapist because they want to see their clients improve by 5 or 10 percent over an extended period of time. They dream of a world where people let go of their inner struggles and are happy and at peace, are able to laugh and focus on what’s truly important instead of stressing about what they cannot change.
I’d go as far as to say most of them are seeking that for them self too because they are struggling also. They hope that maybe it’ll rub off and they’ll learn tools to help them self.
Then in uni they’re told things like ‘if it takes a person 15 years to get into this situation it’ll take at least 30 to get over it’ or ‘PTSD is a lifelong problem so be sure to tell your client so she has realistic expectations’ or ‘the only change that’s possible is slow, it takes time’ or my favourite ‘there’s no such thing as a quick fix’.
Left in the wake of this ‘virus’ programming is a trail of burnt out counselors and therapists, made worse by a hope destroying belief system that filters through to their patients/clients and causes a feeling of hopelessness, and dare I say contributes to the problem it’s trying to alleviate.
I’ve heard at least 100+ stories by people at their wit’s end, why they don’t share when they are feeling NOT OK, even when asked. They know they’re going to be told to go to a Counsellor or therapist.
To them it means going to a stranger who makes them open up like the inside of an egg only to be told ‘I can’t really help you in the near future’ but we can talk about it because that helps.
They just want it GONE and at the very least they want HOPE!
These industry set of installed limiting beliefs adopted along the way are the first I confront all therapists with at my courses! It’s not who they are anyway. In fact if we didn’t address this issue first, they’ll never believe it even when they see it and experience it firsthand.
That’s where we start our training. That virus is not going to be part of this mission.
I had a ‘wake up call’ caused by nature and can tell you first hand it caused me to rapidly gain wisdom (emotional intelligence) in that very moment that stopped my life in its tracks and changed me forever. Even when I was challenged after that moment there was a cemented in layer of resilience not there before my wake up call.
We’ve all seen it in nature. For example some 50 year old dude wakes up in hospital told he’s had a heart attack and if nothing changes he’ll die. He always says the world goes silence (even though he sees peoples mouths moving as their talking around and to him) and time stands still (his faculties have been momentarily cast aside). A void in time and space. The best place for a complete irreversible breakthrough m.
Next thing he’s running marathons, a year later writes a cookbook and goes on to coach people how to avoid heart Attacks and runs marathons still at 80 years old. He never reverted.
The problem is he thinks it’s what he’s DOING after his heart attack that caused the change, so that’s the part he teaches, but it’s not the trigger of the change. This is why most gurus who experienced a wake up call don’t get the same result for others.
The key missing ingredient that even he’s unaware of was his emotional intelligence download of wisdom that he gained in his ‘bleep’ moment, when time stood still, and even though people were talking around him, the silence he heard brought with it a download of REALISATIONS that shifted his values, his beliefs, his thoughts and responses ALL AT ONCE.
THAT MY FRIENDS IS ORGANIC, NATURAL SPONTANIOUS LIFE TRANSFORMATION, as it happens to few of us if at all in our lifetime.
CRX/INX is just a wake up call modelled from nature but made to be focused on the issues we present. It causes time and noise stand still, through filterless, mindless and timeless lenses we question you, while you get your WAKE UP CALL REALISATIONS,
the life tragedy that usually triggers one!
If anyone ever tells you there’s no such thing as a quick ‘fix’ to ingrained emotional and mental patterning, BLOCK YOUR EARS!
Undoing these limiting and disabling beliefs in therapists means, by them learning these new paradigm tools like CRX and INX, they can get back to fulfilling their original purpose for entering the industry in the first place, which was to set hearts free.
If someone’s feeling very low, the last thing they want is hopelessness from a professional who’s supposed to help them.
THAT is more what I think deep down every counselor and psychologist wants to be able to do for people.
#settingheartsfree #creatrixit for women #innovatrixit for men.