by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Terri’s Fear Was Consuming Her Joy And Fulfillment But Creatrix® Has Brought Her Back To Life Terri experienced so many hardships in her lifetime that she developed a fear of falling on those hard times again and this fear was stopping her from being able to live and...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Jewel Wants To Connect With People And The World Around Her Once Again Jewel had let her life experiences turn into fear and wasn’t willing to allow anyone closer than arms length. But now on the other side of her Creatrix® Facilitator Course, Jewel couldn’t be more...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Tracey Is Liberated From Her Fear of Rejection and Disappointment Tracey was so disappointed in others and fearful of rejection that she had withdrawn from friends and family, rather than face further hurt. She was living a lonely existence. After Creatrix® Tracey...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Carina Now Has The Confidence To Follow Her Dreams All Carina wanted to do was help people but fear and low self-esteem held her back. Now Carina knows her life experiences are another tool she can use to help people and she has the confidence to do it. WATCH THE...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Creatrix® Transformologist®, Video Case Studies, Women Case Studies, Women's Empowerment
Do You Fear Success, Failure, Rejection And Holding Yourself Back, Like Lisa? Before Creatrix® Lisa was so full of fear; she feared success, failure, abandonment, rejection and not living her life, even though these were the things that were holding her back from...