by admin | Apr 13, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Allyson, NLP Practitioner and Counsellor, 6 Weeks After Creatrix® Course Allyson was a Counsellor and NLP Practitioner with 4/10 confidence in delivering clients their desired outcomes until she discovered CREATRIX® and went out and delivered a retreat in 10/10...
by admin | Mar 29, 2018 | Articles
The men’s mental health system is failing men, with suicide deaths increasing at an alarming rate; there were 331 more male deaths by suicide in 2016, than 2006. In 2000 suicide deaths accounted for 25% of deaths in Australia and this reduced to 17.9% in 2007,...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Carrol Removes Her Deepest Issues And Discovers A New Drive For The Future Carrol believed her life and relationships were suffering because of her procrastinating but when she delved deeper using the Creatrix® tools she discovered it was a symptom, rather than the...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Simone Felt She Had So Much More To Give And Now She Can Simone wanted to be a better wife, mum, daughter and friend but her feelings of self-consciousness, frustration, anger and hate were holding her back. Without these negative emotions Simone has embraced her new...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Michelle Takes A Leap Of Faith And Finds Her Excitement For The Future Michelle’s anxiety, self-doubt and fear of failure prevented her from achieving her goal of starting her own successful business but she took a leap of faith and attended the Creatrix®...