by admin | Apr 29, 2018 | Articles, Coach Success Tips, Interviews, mental health, mindset, Women's Empowerment
If someone’s been an actual victim, suffered harm at the choices of another, they should not be branded with the word ‘victim’, as it’s so loosely termed in the Personal Development world. This thoughtless use shifts it’s meaning from a...
by admin | Apr 26, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Anxiety And Self-Sabotage Held Sea Yen Back But After Creatrix® The Sky Is The Limit As Sea Yen went through life she expected to grow wiser, not become mired in anxiety and self-sabotage but that was her reality, and her reality was stopping her from following her...
by admin | Apr 26, 2018 | Video Case Studies
With Creatrix® Sue Now Has The Confidence To Be Her True Self Sue feared what others would think of her, she suppressed her true self and focused on her “head talk”, instead of being present. Creatrix® has allowed her to believe in herself and face the world as a...
by admin | Apr 22, 2018 | Articles
WHAT IS EPIGENETICS and WHY SHOULD I CARE? It’s the newest science that proves YOU can change your destiny. CREATRIX® was created in alignment with this science to be a fast, LONGTERM solution to help women ready to break entire negative cycles. EPIGENETICS IS...
by admin | Apr 19, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Stephanie Is Excited To Set As Many Women Free As She Can Using Creatrix® Stephanie didn’t feel like she was in control of her life but after attending the Creatrix® Facilitators Course her future is looking exciting. So many people go through life just “existing” but...