by admin | May 18, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Lynda, From Suppression To Inner Freedom Lynda’s lack of trust in herself really affected her confidence in business but after Creatrix® she says her confidence is now a million out of a million! And because she also overcame her lack of self-esteem, she feels...
by admin | May 14, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Melinda Saw An 80% Increase In Confidence As A Facilitator Of Rapid Transformation Melinda gained an 80% confidence increase as a Facilitator who can get guaranteed OUTCOME BASED results. She’s even now a Creatrix® Transformologist® using this same tool that...
by admin | May 11, 2018 | Video Case Studies
Orlene, Family Therapist/Psychologist, Says This Is The Real Deal Psychologist says she wouldn’t have believed it were possible to change because they all claim to do that, but THIS IS TRANSFORMATIONAL, she says about Creatrix®. Orlene said psychology addressed...
by admin | May 9, 2018 | Articles, Coach Success Tips, Gender Specific, mindset, Women's Empowerment
Negative Emotions can be your UNCONSCIOUS MIND’s way of communicating. It’s using your ‘body’ to have you ‘feel’ a pain to show you that your mind needs a ‘service’. The thing that has led us away from ourselves is the day of...
by admin | May 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
People don’t sign up to be a Counselor or therapist because they want to see their clients improve by 5 or 10 percent over an extended period of time. They dream of a world where people let go of their inner struggles and are happy and at peace, are able to laugh and...