Peripheral is a calm state. Men’s very nature is to be in that state so they’ll see a sabre tooth tiger coming into their cave well ahead of time to protect their tribe. They have more peripheral retina cells, so to ‘build’ something on purpose, they need to come into focus and ‘do’ and take precise actions. So planning your work and working your plan with a goal are actions worth doing for a male. As they are ‘builders’, focusing is something they are more likely to be able to switch on and when they run out of energy, switch off again. This way when they unwind they go back to a peaceful state and back to their natural ‘protector’ design.
This is opposite of what John Gray says in Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Mark Gungor – a famous relationship coach – agrees that men love their state of ‘nothingness’ which he calls in their brain their ‘nothing box’.
Women are the total opposite. Current methods to achieve are about focusing because men created these methods and strategies for life and business ‘success’. Such methods include goal attaining formulas and require consistency and all central around ‘focusing’.
Not only do our daily, monthly, stage-of-life gender-causing hormones as women mean that we aren’t EVER consistent (even if we try), but we also have more focus retina cells than peripheral ones. Focus retina cells are called P ganglion cells whereas peripheral cells are called M ganglion cells. This is science – not an opinion – however, even optometrist text books fail to mention this key difference.
Women therefore burn out using current goal and consistency-based methods of achieving in life. We don’t have to focus to grow a baby inside of us do we? We are natural ‘creators’ and men are ‘builders’ and our UNconscious minds access different information to support this difference in our natural ‘design’. This is not taught anywhere… yet it’s true!
For women, adding focus to an already overly focused state causes adrenal fatigue, anxiety, burn out, feeling like a failure, feeling never good enough, feeling like we must be crazy… but there’s nothing wrong with us, we just weren’t created for that.
As babies, a baby boy looks at Mummy’s smile and sees the shift of the mouth curving through time and space, but the girl baby sees subtle changes in skin tone and minute subtle expressions along with the smile. This way that we ‘see’ is through focus filters so we are able to tell the subtle difference between our babies hunger or sick cry.
If you’re born with a uterus, you see the world differently than if you were born without one. When I say gender I mean your ‘sex’ as either female or male, not as in how you identify or your sexual preferences. This is science at the oldest brain level, our reptilian brain.
Women need to learn peripheral so that we can release our overstressed-selves from stress… not add to it. We need to minimise focusing and train ourselves to get more into peripheral. We aren’t designed for the ridiculous amounts of focus required as taught through personal development programs.
These methods derive from men assuming throughout history that we are merely men without balls. Still today, science lab testing in a majority of cases for female studies are actually carried out on male mice castrated at birth.
I see most ‘success’ models taught in business and by life coaches likened to being at ‘ship navigation school’. We’re all there to learn how to get from point A to point B and avoid the rocks, but women are not ships… we’re the unpredictable, inconsistent, flowing ocean. The ocean doesn’t have anywhere to go, they just want to be in all their glory un-judged and accepted and forgiven for ‘what’ we are, should our very moon send us crashing against the ship. This is why we call men our rock. They’re stable and we compliment each other when allowed to be what we actually are and don’t try to change each other’s design. It’s fruitless and leads to so much pain.
This causes women to come through these male-formulated programs and fail, then they feel even worse seeking out the next best program and remaining stuck in the cycle. (Did you know, according to a top male guru in the industry who was a coach of mine temporarily, more than 70% of his personal development programs are women, returning again?!).
We’re the ocean! We need to be at ocean school and be accepted for being the ever-changing, non-consistent, ‘without a point B’ ocean that we truly are. We need to be educated as an ocean. We need to understand firstly WHAT we are before we truly change WHO we are.
Men made the current ‘focus-based’ ways of achieving things, but we can achieve just the same wonderful levels of fulfilment but in a different way – our way. We need ‘software’ designed for our unique hardware, so to speak. What happens if you try to download Mac apps in a Windows PC?
We have an internal operating system, and they are external based systems, even our genitals are formed this way.
We can ‘create’ our desires while men go ‘build’ and innovate theirs. INNOVATrix® is for men, CREATrix® is for women.
And that’s not even considering EPIGENETICS, the male and female inherited patterning. I made these tools to go DEEP and get to the ROOT. And that, my friends, is some ‘dot-joining’ of my philosophy and foundational point of difference in what I teach.