When people ask me “Why is Creatrix® so expensive?” I have to start with my own story. The price of a NATURAL life wake up call (where you wake up to an entirely new perspective of life, others and yourself) for me was fleeing to live away from all that I knew for a second time. But this time was for good (instead of a year) as a single destitute mum of 4 little kids, then getting epilepsy out of the blue and experiencing my first fit in a phone box on the side of a lonely bloody highway while on a housing relocation program. For someone who’s miserable and unhealthy, his wake up call is hearing he just had a heart attack.

After my own breakthrough, I went on to break a 32 year cycle of poverty, gave up smoking 50 a day, domestic violence and abuse, an endless chain of traumatic events involving guns and suppression and I’d say 10/10 misery guts. I went on to N.E.V.E.R. go backwards. Before that my life was 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, it was a cycle.

Then to create what I have, which this year is 7 figure annual turnover in my business, in which I am happy and at peace to my core, making strong decisions, being a leader and role model and bringing joy and freedom to thousands through my work.

And, what about the miserable, unhealthy guy who’s tried hundreds of times to turn his life around PRE-heart attack, breaks his cyclic sabotage patterns and goes on to run in hundreds of marathons all over the world and a year later writes a bloody best seller health cookbook and NEVER reverts back to his old ways?!

Well… Creatrix® and Innovatrix® are processes to create an ON PURPOSE WAKE UP CALL (that allow you to receive your own unique epiphanies that cause you to see life differently). I created this so that YOU don’t have to suffer a trauma in your lifetime to get YOUR wake up call. You may get through your entire lifetime without one!

I do think the reason no one else has created something so rapidly and LASTINGLY transformational (yes there’s other great stuff out there, but I’m talking about NEVER reverting to an old pattern) is because they didn’t experience one naturally first to know it’s even possible! And secondly, because I never want anyone to experience the endless sabotaging internal patterns that I know lead so MANY people to such misery.

Have ya’ll noticed that nothing’s really sticking? People in the industry with letters after their name couldn’t have created this because the first belief that is installed at university is that “it’s not possible to change your life on a dime.” Yet people do it all the time! It’s just not common and is usually triggered by trauma. It’s only possible to “manage it,” they say.

Of course only from my perspective can I KNOW that for sure and therefore be able to come up with the hypothesis that I did that led to the NEW study that is Transformology® (how to change your life on a dime). Creatrix® and Innovatrix® are tools of Transformology®. It’s the fundamental premise that blocks change and everyone’s bought into it, therefore blind without even knowing it.

The very beliefs blocking you from getting a Creatrix® wake up call are operated by the same operating system running the virus of ‘it’s impossible to achieve and it sounds too good to be true, therefore it must be.’

Look, I too wouldn’t have believed it, but at some point you’ll reach a point of enough pain when your cycle comes around again and you will finally click. Fear attracts more fear, suppression and oppression. And THEN you’ll realise a leap of faith is worth the risk and you know what you’ll say after you take the leap?! I can promise you that you’ll say “Why the hell didn’t I do this long ago?!”

Innovatrix® and Creatrix® is so expensive because it will COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY change your life without causing you any pain. No ongoing appointments. No relapses.

Now THAT is priceless. Why is Creatrix® so expensive?

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Learn More About Our Founder:

MARILYN (MAZ) SCHIRMER founded Global Transformatrix® and is on a mission to change the world for the better!

Maz Schirmer