Are these the kind of deep breakthroughs you want to facilitate for women? Watch the video and witness everyday women empowering others and experiencing their own personal blockages being released at our course.

Counselling and Similar Courses Can’t Deliver These Results this FAST or that LAST like Creatrix® does.

Creatrix® is SO thorough we back the outcome with a money back guarantee. That’s a bold statement right there and we stand behind it!

Where else will you find a course offering:

1. LASTING change for WOMEN

You’ve probably noticed this never happens with other therapies/modalities if you’ve been on the receiving end) CLICK HERE to see up to 5 YEARS of evidence of LASTING results, or

2. Give you FAST-Working tools that actually cause REAL Change in WOMEN.

Female brains are different and are not even factored in to other therapies/modalities!

3. Will strip you out of YOUR success blocks as well as train you to be a Creatrix® Transformologist®.

4. Be able to offer your clients a MONEY BACK guarantee.

You’re in the right place if any of these sound like you:

  • “I really want to help women turn their lives around and feel good about themselves”
  • “I relate to women who are struggling because I was once and I now want to help others to do the same..”
  • “I love inspiring women and like working with them”
  • “I just feel it’s what I’m meant to do…”
  • “I’ve got too many blocks to help others so I need tools that work for others but also that will work on me too”
  • “I already help women but my tools are not working fast enough or working long term” ….and check out this one
  • “I’ve done it all and still I’m stuck and I feel something is missing for women, but I don’t know what it is” etc.


The truth is ladies, it was always going to take a woman to discover that missing link and create a process that works for WOMEN. After all, how, could a male fathom what it’s like to be in such an emotional, hormonal and cyclic body? Most women think the way to do that is to become a Life Coach, Therapist or a Practitioner or something similar. Although they help to some degree, most women are fed up with these mainstream older models not making a big enough difference, being too slow and too traumatic because they were NEVER designed with the female brain in mind, AT ALL. They want noticeable results and REAL OUTCOMES that lasts and that’s just that. Is this what you want to be able to do, perhaps on a lesser scale? AND be able to offer a full OUTCOME BASED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE?

More and more women are searching for new solutions and now you, regardless of qualifications, can become a Facilitator of the NEW alternative, Creatrix®, that is guaranteed to work for women and comes with a money back guarantee.

The usual methodologies are NOT ENOUGH for women. They, do nothing about shifting the deepest root core issues, way beneath the surface that MUST release to cause a WOMAN to finally stop the 2 steps forward 1 step back cycle.

Even at an unconscious level women are very different.

This ‘outside of our awareness’ part of ourselves, has the gender component to run as well as ‘A’ body. For example a mans unconscious mind can’t run the creation of life process (grow a body inside of itself while running one) but we can do it effortlessly without a single thought.

Our unique process called Creatrix® simply uses ‘our’ female brain and unconscious mind back on itself to ‘undo’ our deepest issues and therefore gets Longterm, Fast and aMAZing transformational results unique to WOMEN.

genes and cells

“MYTH: healing is a slow process”.

This untrue belief within the industry has stopped them being able to create faster more lasting solutions for decades now. I cringe when I read sabotaging comments by supposed professionals saying things like “anyone who tries to tell you healing is not a slow process is misleading you” or “PTSD will always be a major part of your life”. These are exact examples of limiting beliefs that add to the problem by adding hopelessness into the equation. We are not damaged goods. We’ve just been misled and not taught the raw, scientific truth of our design, how to navigate our own ‘hardwire’ and what’s possible given compatible software instead of conflicting software. We’ve been brain washed so deeply and this stifles innovation and evolution, especially in this area of our health. Check out our ‘before and after’ page and see for yourself what’s truly possible now for everyday women! Women ALWAYS revert backwards if you don’t totally break through the bigger deeper issues such as the low self worthiness and not feeling good enough etc and the painful hurts of the past that are the deep level reasons why a woman struggle in business as well as in life and relationships. Women have inherited a level of suppression and that’s just that. We need to strip that shit out once and for all.

The BIG reasons why traditional coaching and therapy doesn’t work for women… and what works instead

Even if you only work in the personal or professional development industry or in the positive psychology industry, with women it’s the same deep level blocks regardless.

If you want tools and processes that work FAST and create LONG TERM results for women, you need female formulated tools specifically designed for our biologically hormonal female system,

But the only problem…

99.9% of coaching, therapy and counseling solutions assume men and women are exactly the same. But just like you can’t use Microsoft software inside a Mac computer, coaching tools do not work well enough with women who haven’t had their deep issues resolved first. We (women) need specific personal development software for our female ‘hardware’ (all that makes us female), that fits our brains and hearts which are wired differently. Become a Licensed Creatrix® Facilitator if you want to transform women deeply in a lasting way. We are the only Creatrix® Training company and Creatrix® is the only female formulated modality in existence that considers all factors from biology, psychology, brain wiring, hormones and the epigenetic components that considers all parts a WOMAN.

What’s possible?

See for yourself the results of a Creatrix® Breakthrough in this before and after video (We have over 60 of these videos on file with the same results).

Life coaching is great because it really can help someone to not just turn their life around, but actually move forward to a better life, eventually and with lots of your time. It’s true, BUT it’s not the way to break the cycle at the deepest level where a woman usually is sabotaging herself from so that she can create lasting change. After our founder, Marylin (Maz) Schirmer became a life coach herself, and then even became a trainer in some of the modalities (methodologies and formulas) listed below, she recognised what was majorly missing for FEMALES who were using these methods.

10 Different Modalities: Why They Don’t Work on Women

  1. NLP (fries the female brain circuitry)
  2. Hypnosis (too unconscious for the balanced integration needed for long term change)
  3. Life Coaching (all too conscious mind to conscious mind therefore not deep enough for lasting change)
  4. ‘Male Guru name’ Coaching (too masculine)
  5. The (won’t say name) Method (not female brain specific)
  6. Psychology (too many limiting beliefs in this industry to ever create a real solution that works ‘fast’ or ‘long term’ for women)
  7. Energy Healing (the negative energy returns, it has to for you to be you if you research epi-genetics, because it’s not a deep enough shift at a genetic coding level)
  8. Counseling (way too conscious)
  9. EFT (temporary)
  10. CBT (male brained) and other therapies/modalities are like our (Institute of Women International) Education on the Female Factor and Processes such as Creatrix® BUT here’s why they are not:-

CREATRIX® IS A FEMALE  breakthrough Process designed in a way only a female could ever have perceived.

In fact, do your historical research like we did on the above methods available today and when you’ve wound ALL the way back to the inception and founding principles of those methods, you’ll see for yourself that a male originally perceived the theory behind them.

The question is…

….Could those male brains have had limiting beliefs blocking them from relating to our uniqueness as women or are they simply wired to be unable to fathom the FULL form of the female that blocked them in some way? The first and biggest limiting belief that blocked (and still blocks) progress for the development of women’s emotional and mental solutions, being that ALL brains and bodies are the same and that ‘THE’ unconscious mind works in ONE particular way, regardless of gender. Male and Female minds? Really guys? No one’s ever even questioned it? Until now that is… Coaching and therapies work on the outer symptomatic layers of the problem, whereas Creatrix® works on the root cause for break-through results that last and FIT the female like a glove, after all, it was designed with our uniqueness in mind.

5 Reasons Why the Creatrix® Method of Working at a DEEP Level with Women is SO Transformational

  1. Old ‘KNOWINGS’ that were not serving (Believing you are unattractive, pathetic or destined for failure are a few examples) that kept causing thoughts and feelings to be non-productive and unsupportive are instantly swapped to NEW knowings that are productive to a positive future and mindset. New head talk is created in the background, ready for times when triggered and this is what causes the behavior change which works by reducing the ‘charge’ creating more productive solution options.
  2. It’s an Instant shift (no waiting for results). Immediately you feel lighter and perceive differently without the ‘charge’ because you’ve let it go.
  3. Raised level of consciousness (awareness). Can’t sweat the old trivial ‘stuff’ anymore yet important ‘small’ things can mean more. See through behavior of others and you feel this intuitively so you can start to filter who is ‘healthy’ energy to support you moving forward and not going to pull you down or backwards.
  4. You can’t be easily misled by others because you’ve broken the cycle from possibly inherited issues not even your own.
  5. Effects ALL areas of life at once because women have them all as one.

Here’s a real case study of ours (If Creatrix® works at this level of depth, what can’t it work on?)…. Meet Dana… Mother of 5, Medical Office Manager

8 Reasons Why Creatrix® is Unique

  1. A Breakthrough Process that is Intricately Formulated Exclusively for FEMALE UNCONSCIOUS and CONSCIOUS MINDS. 

Other Self Development and Coaching offering mindset tools and solutions, assume that the genders minds are one and the same, but that’s not true at all. For example… Just one of the well known Unconscious Mind’s jobs is to run the body. For example, a male doesn’t have to know how to grow a brain and organs inside of itself while running its own set, does it…? Do they have our innately built cyclic hormonal fluctuations to consider? NO, in fact they can’t even relate, which is why we only allow females to become facilitators.

     2. ANY WOMAN who is a WOMAN (even if you come to us with your own issues because we clean you out anyway, you only need to desire to help others) can become a great Creatrix® Facilitator.

You don’t ‘teach’ anything, you facilitate a proven scripted formula that causes the client to get HER OWN life learnings. No advice or theory to study. And because we’ve cleaned you out of your limiting beliefs and own energy, you can’t interrupt or block her from receiving her life learnings as most coaches and therapists don’t even realize they do.

3. EPIGENETICS– working on the beginning at an ancestral level where women have inherited suppression and a ‘predisposition’ for their issues that is not even their fault.

4. We ‘facilitate’ you to realize your own unique business/life ‘LEARNINGS’ which is what causes the long term results, thus breaking the CYCLE. This is a KEY missing component in other modalities. What’s even more unique is where you will receive these lessons/epiphanies/new knowings from.

5. Support for Facilitators once trained– Creatrix® is FREE TO ALL Currently Licensed FACILITATORS.

6. UTILISES BOTH CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS MINDS equally so there is no inner conflict afterwards.

7. Only 6 days TOTAL training and you are ready to take clients and make money and help others!!!!!! (not endless years like most)

8. We have a code of ethical conduct license agreement to be registered because we recognize the importance of protecting clients from negative experiences so our brand remains in tact because we believe Creatrix® has a higher purpose. Let’s look at who we are often incorrectly compared to because we are an ‘institute’. We think maybe we should have branded as an UNinstitute when we compare the difference. Large LIFE-COACHING INSTITUTES, ACADEMIES and NLP Training Courses are who students often compare us to but that’s because they didn’t even know that Female Formulated Tools and Processes Existed.

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There’s not a lot of ‘NEW’ content in this industry… They are STILL teaching the age old techniques such as ‘G.R.O.W’, ‘S.M.A.R.T’, ‘compartmentalise’, ‘consistency’ and NLP which all suit the male (and 1 in 5 women who process similarly but what about the 4 out of 5?) mind way of processing? How are these working for you ladies so far? They are great, if you are the 1 in 5 women or 6 out of 7 men they work well for. There’s nothing ‘logical’, ‘organised’, ‘orderly’ or ‘consistent’ for 4 out of 5 women’s minds. It’s not the fit for the female UNconscious OR conscious mind, but why should that mean she not be taught alternate ways of achieving, that don’t cause our circuits to blow out? Because no one’s recognising the mind-difference, that’s why. Hormones are REAL, they are not imagined. They affect our mind and brain and as well as that we have different balances in the brain. In fact, gender is coded into every single cell in your body, regardless of how small a percentage some claim it is, it’s 100% relevant. We discovered from these other Institutes that you get no big life changing unconscious-mind breakthrough tools  until you reach approx the 4th level of training- or 2nd ‘Tier’ level of training. And even then you get ZERO Female Factor Training to account for the biological factors.

Why becoming an NLP Practitioner Doesn’t Work

We asked “What IS the difference between NLP Master Practitioner tools and the tools taught at the 4th level training for example”? We were told “It is NLP, but with (male guru name) stuff as well……………………………” The price you will pay is approx $7,500-$15,000 BEFORE you get to that level of training, and 2 years long, but you start with very cheap monthly online training.

Its rare to meet any life coach who is confident after 1 online course, even after 12 months of training because she’s not had any work done on HER in the process or practical hands on training with feedback to improve. No one seems to care who is out there helping others and I think you’d agree that we want women who’ve addressed their own ‘stuff’ working on other people with ‘stuff’. They offer after support but only mentoring or coaching, with NO breakthrough processes or deep level change work, “however they have a large database of other coaches to recommend  for you to choose from”.

It’s fair enough what they are doing because it’s what they were taught, however they don’t all understand what it’s like to just want a single course that only includes the dynamic ‘life changing’ tools in it that work long term FOR WOMEN with the purpose of getting out there confidently getting results fast. Shop wisely, that’s all. We even RECOMMEND Life Coaching as something you can do AFTER you’ve done the deep work if you felt so compelled and the clients wanted more so be sure to do your homework.

Many of our facilitators came to us as Life Coaches and Practitioners of many other modalities and realised most missed the mark when it came to long lasting results for their female clients.

Some had spent more than $100,000 on their own skills and self development, only to still not feel confident.

And what about you? Are they going to ensure you have actually learned the skills properly if they don’t even meet you in person? Peoples’ lives are not to be played with. This is the serious business of changing lives and clients expect results these days. We know you’ve got many choices currently with Life Coaching being the current wave of new career choices for the past 8 years…. BUT We can’t find one that has ANYTHING at all to cater for what we do that:-

  • EPIGENETICS (inherited pre-disposition for events to occur)
  • BRINGS THROUGH LIFE LEARNINGS as deep new knowings, so as to break the cycle.
  • NO AFTER CARE– OWN SERVICES FREE TO FACILITATORS, just ‘mentoring’ not actual deep level work.

It truly pays to get your facts when you are searching.

Having made our point of difference very obvious, we are fussy who we let use our processes, so if you operate outside of integrity or are just looking for a course based on the ‘cheapest will do’ then we are probably not a good fit. Your heart has to be in helping women to turn their lives around or improve the quality of their lives.

IF on the other hand you want to apply, please CLICK HERE to book a ‘compatibility’ chat and to ask your questions.

We’d love to get to know you, hear your story and possibly tool you up to make that dream of helping women become a reality. Become a registered Woman’s Breakthrough Transformologist® and Creatrix® Facilitator.

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