The men’s mental health system is failing men, with suicide deaths increasing at an alarming rate; there were 331 more male deaths by suicide in 2016, than 2006.

In 2000 suicide deaths accounted for 25% of deaths in Australia and this reduced to 17.9% in 2007, however, this increased to 25.4% in 2015. This indicates that, although there was a decline in suicide rates, these extremely sad occurrences have since increased to a greater degree than before. This is a clear sign that the current systems in place are not working and something different is needed to fight this Mental Health epidemic.

Here’s how we can be helping everyday Australian men who don’t want therapy, who are struggling in life, by engaging men in a program that painlessly strips away their deepest mindset programming WITHOUT reliving the past, and puts them back in control of their life, fast and for good.

We wanted to improve quality of life for men suffering from issues such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and performance issues but guess what?

Although our signature epigenetic (inherited patterns) mind breakthrough process, Creatrix®, has achieved radical, fast and lasting breakthroughs for thousands of women across the world (already in just the past 6 years), this ‘female formulated’ intergenerational cycle breaking program FAILED when trialed on MEN. But why? Isn’t a brain a brain? Isn’t your biological sex just the 1% that science says doesn’t matter?

Whatever sex you are shouldn’t matter, you still have a right to a rewarding, successful, happy and stress-free life because at the end of the day, we all want that. Ultimately, we (Global Transformatrix®) like to know we’re bringing people together in a way they can enjoy themselves and each other more fully for harmonious relationships. In fact our programs such as Gender Harmonix® are designed to do just that!

So how is it possible a mindset pattern breaking process that’s designed to strip out behavioural patterns at their deepest root worked on only one sex and not the other? They literally couldn’t get half-way through even the first 15 minutes of the first session. 

The MINDSET and MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTRY has not noticed that your ‘sex’ (unlike gender) is hardwired in all your organs, including your brain, so it makes SENSE that modalities and therapies should be designed according to your natural design. Just like google apps won’t work in an apple® device, spare parts for a ford don’t always fit a holden if they appear the same and do the same job, do they? We’re are NOT talking about nature/nurture girl boy sterotyping, we’re talking about going ‘with’ the grain, working ‘with’ the unique way the HARD-WIRED MALE brain works instead of against it by ‘talking’ about emotions and dredging up the past. Ask any man, they hate that so much they’d rather stay stuck because it feels so foreign and UNnatural to them. It really is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. 

Biologically, boys and girls LITERALLY, visually SEE the world differently. Yep, even our retina cells have different ratios of focus and peripheral cells (M and P Ganglion ones to be exact). This is contradictory to what John Gray, Author of Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus teaches. It’s the female retina that has more focal cells and males that have more peripheral, not the other way around Dr Gray and science says so. (Click here to see references) This is not about stereotyping, it’s simply the brushed over ‘too hard basket’ facts we all don’t want to know about but sooner or later we’d better if we’re ever to get right ‘fit’ solutions for our gender brains.

This means girls and boys notice different aspects of the exact same reality, adding a non-considered and complex element into the tools of the trade.

These days of gender sensitivity have us fearful to hypothesis what we’ve proposed, but you’ll never be able to change ‘who’ you are if you continually deny ‘what’ you are.  We need mutual respect equally as much for our sex difference as much as for our sameness, then we can come together in deep truth, understanding, ‘acceptance of’ and love for our self and others. Denial of reality just delays our own conscious evolution so to break the epigenetic cycle and patterns of our past, we have to work within the system as it really is.

We ARE different whether we want to know about it or not. We’re different physically, emotionally and mentally yet spiritually we are not. There is no threat in this awareness, nothing to fear and lots to get excited about.

Our evidence shows that when you work with a therapy that fits you like a glove, is simple and feels ‘easy’ and DOESN’T require reliving the old pains

accept gender difference

of the past, you get results you can even guarantee for men who hate therapy and feel so hopeless and helpless many would rather take their own life than go to therapy.

Mind you, the industry recognises sex difference through statistical analysis of the problematic ‘symptoms’ such as depression and anxiety, but not in the designing of solutions. This “one size fits all” solution mentality within the science and mental health industry means neither sex is getting the specific help each requires.

We know that all emotions can be created hormonally by the body or even artificially through hormone therapy, yet Endocrinology (The science of hormones) doesn’t even talk to psychology (The study of the mind)? Testosterone is the most used supplement taken by men today which they take to help them with erectile dysfunction, which stem from the mind. Stress for men creates worry and doubt which effects the level of manliness they perceive within themselves. It also shows up in the mind as negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behaviour, but also the body in the way of sexual performance issues, slouching with a chest that feels like it’s shrinking and testes that do actually shrink.

Males and females require different hormones (fuel) to run their ‘system’ (a body that contains either testes or a uterus). Sex difference has been dismissed as the ‘1% difference factor’ BUT very cell in our body requires this one percent to be able to operate healthily, and these varied hormones are numerous and varied in types, amounts, effects, and regularity.

For example, men require stable and consistent regulation of their hormones required to run their ‘male’ body which keeps them constant in ‘feeling’s, thoughts and beliefs, yet a woman’s reproductive ‘cycle’ is an emotional journey, even tumultuous to the point of experiencing all 4 seasons of feelings, thoughts, and beliefs in one single day let alone one month. Her perceptions of the same event can fluctuate as much as her hormones do. You can bank on the feelings each ratio of each hormone brings with it. Why? That’s science and flat out fact! It just ‘is’! 

What if hormones and feelings are one and the same? So if hormone therapy changes emotions, why woudn’t changing the emotional intelligence of the person change the hormones? Well we know during the Innovatrix® process your pee smells and the body ‘feels’ instantly more relaxed, like it’s had a long lasting internal massage. We got off track when we divided the mind from the body and so psychology didn’t talk to endrocrinology at all along the way when they’re both the cause and effect of the other.

Doesn’t it make sense that because we’re different in every cell of our body and that we’re hormonally fuelled beings that we’d stop considering perceptions of life for each sex as being one and the same? Every single one of us knows we’re different but it’s interesting that when you discover the biological sex differences, you realise it’s just as ludicrous to expect the same mindset shifting therapy to work on males and females as it would be to teach a fish to gallop across a paddock.

Most studies across various fields do not identify the difference between the two sexes within a study and tend to group them as one, which leads to a lack of gender-specific information.

If you look further into the stats you can also see that men are more likely than women to take their own lives, however, they are less likely to acknowledge they have a mental health issue. For example, in 2001 9.8% of males reported a high/very high level of psychological distress, as compared to 15.3% of females. In the same year males that committed suicide accounted for 20.3% of deaths, as compared to 5.3% by females. Again, in 2011-12 8.8% of males reported high/very high levels of psychological distress, as compared to 12.8% of women. In 2011 suicides committed by males accounted for 20.3% of deaths, as compared to 5.1% by females. This indicates that although men are increasingly acknowledging their issues at an earlier stage, they are still not finding anything to help them fix their problems.

Further, epigenetic science now proves we inherit unresolved trauma, resulting in intergenerational negative behavioural patterns. As epigenetics is a somewhat new line of study psychology and counseling are yet to catch up and develop appropriate tools to take this into account. Often techniques are centred round dealing with trauma or events in your own life, whereas with the discovery of epigenetics it is now known that it is important to also deal with the trauma you have inherited through your DNA.

Creatrix® for women and Innovatrix® for men are intricately designed according to both the science of Epigenetics AND sex wiring of the brain. That’s why it’s the therapy of the future. In fact it’s an entire modality with a therapy inside of it that creates rapid irreversible emotional intelligence.

Doesn’t it make sense that males and females might have experienced different types of issues throughout history?

Finally, there’s a MENTAL HEALTH SOLUTION suitable for the male brain, that achieves measurable behavioural change just as we’re getting for women.
